Matthew Sim 沈彥恆

出生於香港,沈彥恆是旅居紐約的混音師和音樂製作人。他曾為各大唱片公司混音和製作,例如Sony和Def Jam/Island Record。沈氏目前在紐約享負盛名的Germano工作室工作。他的客戶包括所有類型的音樂家。

沈氏從美國栢克理音樂學院畢業後便搬到紐約市,跟隨格萊美工程師和製片得獎人-查爾斯王子亞歷山大工作。他曾位職於紐約最頂級的工作室如 Jungle City Studio和 Quad Studio 。現除了在Germano工作室工作外,他還在APS音箱贊助下在布魯克林設立了自己的混合演播室。

他曾與許多屢獲殊榮的藝術家一起工作,包括Theo Croker,Timeflies, Prince Charles Alexander,Akhenaton (IAM),John Blackwell,Jerry Bergonzi,and Eguie Castrillo 等。

MATTHEW SIM is a New York-based mixing engineer & music producer from Hong Kong. He has mixed and engineered for major labels such as Sony and Def Jam/Island Record and is currently working at the legendary Germano Studio in New York. His clientele includes musicians of all genres.

After graduating from Berklee College of Music, he moved to New York City, shadowed Grammy Award Winning engineer and producer, Prince Charles Alexander. He had worked in most of the top studios in New York such as Jungle City Studio and Quad Studio before he joined Germano Studio. Besides working at Germano Studio, he also has his own mixing studio in Brooklyn sponsored by APS speakers.

He has worked alongside a long list of award-winning artists, including Theo Croker, Timeflies, Prince Charles Alexander, Akhenaton (IAM), John Blackwell, Jerry Bergonzi, and Eguie Castrillo.