鋼琴家 / 鍵盤手/ 作曲/ 編曲/ 電影音樂人

張貝芝從小接受古典音樂訓練,16歲考獲英國皇家音樂學院的鋼琴文憑以及英國聖三一音樂學院的大提琴文憑。學業以外,她同時於香港演藝學院修讀鋼琴演奏和電子作曲,及後更獲邀與鋼琴大師郎朗於香港時代廣場舉行的大師班同場演出。 就讀於聖保羅男女中學的六年間,她成為全校第一位考獲青年音樂獎學金的學生。2008年暑假,她於波士頓栢克理音樂學院參加一個為期五週的音樂課程,更考獲全額獎學金供來年修讀同一課程。翌年暑假,她於美國伊士曼音樂學校進修鋼琴演奏更得到校友成就獎。

她憑過人的音樂天賦,考獲栢克理音樂學院入學獎學金,主修電影配樂及流行音樂創作和製作,於2014年以一級榮譽成績畢業。在音樂學院短短三年,她獲頒多項獎學金,包括「羅伯特·分享獎」,「伯克利音樂製作獎」及「栢克理學院鋼琴系獎學金」等。 張貝芝的創作天分早於童年時期展現,她於六歲創作了第一首作品,從而展開作曲的旅程。中學畢業那年,她寫了一首長達10分鐘的交響詩,由學校管弦樂團於畢業音樂會演出。多年來,她曾於香港、印尼、台灣、新加坡、泰國等地公開演奏個人作品。後來,她與兩位栢克理音樂學院的教授合作創作電影音樂,更從中受到啓發,決心從事電視與電影音樂的創作。

Pianists/ Keyboard Players/ Songwriters/ Arrangers/ Film Scorers

JOYCE CHEUNG received an early classical music training in both piano and cello, obtaining diplomas from ABRSM and Trinity College at a young age. She spent her early years studying piano performance and electronic composition at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. She studied in St. Paul’s Co-educational College where she was the first recipient of the Young Talent Scholarship. She participated in a 5-week music programme at Berklee College of Music, where she received a full scholarship for the programme in the following year. She later received the Alumni Achievement Award in the Music Horizons programme hosted by Eastman School of Music.

She was awarded the Berklee Entrance Scholarship to attend the Berklee College of Music in 2011. During her time there, she received the Robert Share Award, Berklee Music Preparation Award and the Berklee Piano Department Scholarship. She graduated with first honor in Film Scoring and Contemporary Writing and Production in 2014. In addition to being a performer, Joyce Cheung is also a composer. She has showcased her compositional talents in Indonesia, Taiwan, Singapore and Thailand. She has also worked with prominent Berklee professors such as Claudio Ragazzi and Yoko Miwa.