二胡手/ 中樂表演總監

曾兩次獲英、美國際音樂賽冠軍的朱芸編出生於香港,七歲在父親薰陶下學習二胡、高胡和板胡,十一歲奪⾹港校際音樂節二胡深造組、⾼胡深造組和板胡深造組三項冠軍,史無前例。旋以香港代表身份赴英參加威爾斯靈閣嶺國際音樂賽 (Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod),於53個國家選⼿中奪民族⾳樂組總冠軍。2012年底,赴三藩市參加美國公開⾳樂賽 (United States Open Music Competition),奪全場總冠軍。早年,也是亞洲民族器樂獨奏賽、香港紫荊杯音樂賽和雨果中樂獨奏賽的冠軍得主。

朱芸編不僅於各類賽事掄元連番,更頻獻藝於中外樂壇。其足跡遍及英國、美國、法國、荷蘭、瑞⼠、⽇本、馬來西亞、香港及中國內地等多個國家和地區 ,一時響譽遐邇。2013由倫敦大學國王學院交響樂團伴奏下,成為首位在英國皇家⾳樂學院表演的中國演奏家。

作曲/ 編曲/ 電影音樂人

朱芸編曾獲英國電影和電視藝術學院的全額獎學⾦於英國皇家⾳樂學院修讀電影音樂和⾳樂製作,並取得碩⼠學位。本科畢業於英國倫敦大學國王學院,主修西方音樂學和作曲,並同時在英國皇家音樂學院修讀小提琴。作品⽅面,2013年配樂的兩套電影在英國國⽴美術館⾸映。去年也剛為 2014 年上映的《竊聽風雲 3》進行二胡配樂。今年將會為英國廣播公司(BBC) 的紀錄⽚配樂,並成為荷⾥活⾳樂製作公司Air-edel的電影作曲家。現為英國廣播公司 (BBC) 的紀錄片配樂。

Erhu Player/ Chinese Music Division Director

WAN PIN CHU is an international award-winning Erhuist from Hong Kong. He was awarded Distinction of Grade 10 professional Erhu diploma by the Central Conservatoire of Music in Beijing. Wan started learning the Erhu, Gaohu and Banhu from his father at the age of seven, and has won two international music competitions, including The United States Open Music Competition (2012) and The Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod in the United Kingdom (2002). He is also the champion of several national competitions in China such as The Golden Chinese Redbud Talented Search Competition of Chinese Music (2007), The Asia Chinese Music Solo Competition (2006) and The National Zhong-lu Cup Professional Erhu Competition (2005). In Hong Kong, he has also won the Hugo Chinese Instrumental Solo Competition (2003), the Advanced Erhu Solo Competition, the Advanced Gaohu Solo Competition and the Advanced Banhu Solo Competition (2002) in The Hong Kong Schools’ Music Festival.

Having performed in over hundreds of concerts all over the world including the UK, the US, France, Netherlands, Switzerland, Japan, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Mainland China. In the UK, he is the first Chinese instrumentalist to perform in The Duke’s Hall in Royal Academy of Music and The British Museum in London, and the Royal Philharmonic Hall in Liverpool.

Songwriters/ Arrangers/ Film Scorers

WAN PIN CHU is an international award-winning Erhuist from Hong Kong, who received his bachelor degree in Music and Composition and masters degree in Composition for Film, Television and Game from King’s College London and Royal College of Music respectively. While he was in London, he also received violin tuition at the Royal Academy of Music. As a composer for film, television, games and commercials. In November 2013, two films scored by him had their premier at The National Gallery in London. Wan has also taken part in the music scoring for a Hong Kong film ‘Overheard 3’, one of the highest grossing film series in Hong Kong. In the same year, Wan was invited by the Royal College of Music and School of Oriental and African Studies to give lectures about Chinese Music used in film scoring. In June 2014, he participated in the  NYU/ASCAP Film Scoring Workshop in New York. Currently, Wan is co-scoring a BBC six-episode documentary about Chinese history with Howard Davidson.